The girls and I went down to the Beavertail Lighthouse a week (or 2?) ago & we had an awesome time. I'm pretty sure their favorite thing in life is climbing rocks so this was the perfect place to go for them to climb and for my heart to get a work out with mini heart attacks for a few hours. It's scary to see your babies so independent & climbing on slightly dangerous rocks.
The lighthouse was being renovated so you've got to look through the scaffolding to see the beauty.
The foghorn was working very well & we hurried past that fast!
The rocks are all around the lighthouse & the formations are just so beautiful. They are layered rocks & I wish I knew more about rocks to describe them. I did take a geology course in college but ummmm...that was a while ago. My brain can only retain so much. So just trust me - they're very cool & very beautiful.
A lot of people were just hanging out on the rocks & there was even one family who brought a table, gas grill & lots of chairs onto the rocks (behind the girls). I don't know how they kept the table stable!

Sofia was hilarious on this trip because every time I went to take her picture she'd put her hands on her hips. I guess that's her new cheese pose. Here she is teaching the "hands on hips cheese pose" to Ava.

Sofia was hilarious on this trip because every time I went to take her picture she'd put her hands on her hips. I guess that's her new cheese pose. Here she is teaching the "hands on hips cheese pose" to Ava.
Here's the shot showing that now they have both mastered the pose.

All in all it was a great day & a lot of fun. We took a picnic lunch down and after seeing the lighthouse & the mini aquarium they had we went to get ice cream & go to a nearby (awesome) playground -- complete with a boat, a car, a tower, bridges, slides, obstacle course things . . . So I told the girls to choose their favorite part & I would take their pictures.
(See picture in post below -picture posting problems.)
All in all it was a great day & a lot of fun. We took a picnic lunch down and after seeing the lighthouse & the mini aquarium they had we went to get ice cream & go to a nearby (awesome) playground -- complete with a boat, a car, a tower, bridges, slides, obstacle course things . . . So I told the girls to choose their favorite part & I would take their pictures.
Guess what their favorite part of this incredible playground was. Think you know? The car? The boat? The quick slides?
The tree outside the playground. I love my girls so much...
(See picture in post below -picture posting problems.)
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