Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Preschool Graduation among other things...

Waaaaaa...my little babies have graduated from Nursery School!!! I know, it's part of life but they really are growing into little girls, not toddlers or preschoolers anymore. They were really cute at graduation. They had the kids sing songs & receive diplomas. Then we had a nice little reception & Chef Garry zipped back to work and the girls and I came home & played outside.

We went to the beach a few days later with Amy, too, & had a blast. Huge waves! Sofia loved it! Ava was a bit more hesitant, but began to enjoy it as she got more comfortable.

Before we went to see the Backyardigans, Ava drew a picture of what she thought the show might look like. She is an amazing artist, if I do say so myself! I love the way she drew the audience facing the stage. I also love the way the legs of each Backyardigan appear to be dancing!

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