My apologies for a lack of posts...No excuses. We sure have had a busy few months, so let's just get right to it. It's all about the kids, of course!
In November, Aunt Mary, Uncle Gregg, Jack & Kate flew out to have a 2nd TG & it was so beautiful to see the cousins together! Wish we lived closer...
In December, we went Christmas Tree shopping (we went looking for a farm, but it was really just someone's backyard...weird, but it worked for us) and decorated the tree. Notice that Xavier took the tree "farm" picture b/c the girls are almost (haha, not really almost, but they're getting there) as tall as I am, so I do not tower over them like he does now!
They had a train ride there so the girls recovered from the trauma of sitting on "Santa's" lap.
I promise I won't ever make them do that again.
On another note, Ava & Sofia decided that they wanted to sleep in the same bed for a little while. I had to take pictures because they look like such beautiful angels when they are sleeping. I think Sofia sensed the flash or something b/c her brow became a little furrowed...
December also brought us our first snowstorm,
But then, as usual with Southern New England weather, the snow melted so of course the girls had to get on their trikes & ride because they were born to be wild.
And then it got even warmer so we went to our favorite big beach that we don't swim at.
And then, this being Southern New England - you guessed it - it snowed again & this time A LOT more than last time. I shoveled the end of the driveway at 10pm that night so Chef Daddy could drive in the driveway (we have a truck, but I don't know if it could have made it over the 4 foot piles the snowplow made - although I know he would have had a lot of fun trying...). I didn't take a picture of what I was shoveling, but I thought our front door looked really pretty, so there it is.
The next day Chef Daddy (using his ingenious creativity) made our little hill bigger with the slide so the girls could sled & they had a blast!

In other news, unfortunately Bella started showing even worse side effects of prednisone & her skin started calcifying...We are now walking a fine line between lowering the dose to get her skin better, but keeping it high enough so her body can still make platelets. She is definitely showing her age with the "walk & plop" but other than that she is still an angel and still seems to be enjoying life.

The best gifts from Christmas (besides the Leapsters, of course) were the decorate your own mugs. Those mugs got a lot of use in January - mmmmm hot chocolate!

(there's Grandma in the red pants having a blast, too :o) )

Truth be told, I think Ava & Sofia's favorite part was going to choose some Chinese pastries to bring home...
In other news, unfortunately Bella started showing even worse side effects of prednisone & her skin started calcifying...We are now walking a fine line between lowering the dose to get her skin better, but keeping it high enough so her body can still make platelets. She is definitely showing her age with the "walk & plop" but other than that she is still an angel and still seems to be enjoying life.
Christmas was a lot of fun and the girls enjoyed Christmas morning at home & the day at Nonni's. I have not been taking many pictures, though, so don't have much!
The best gifts from Christmas (besides the Leapsters, of course) were the decorate your own mugs. Those mugs got a lot of use in January - mmmmm hot chocolate!
Finally, February! We went up to Chinatown for the Chinese New Year Parade & it was awesome! The girls loved seeing the Dragons dance & the Lions take the offerings from the stores.
(there's Grandma in the red pants having a blast, too :o) )
And the best part, Chef Daddy caught the lucky orange from the Lion's mouth...One handed...With Ava in his arms!! He is my hero :o) It is sitting on our back door step (the door we use most often) & is bringing us good luck for the year.
Truth be told, I think Ava & Sofia's favorite part was going to choose some Chinese pastries to bring home...
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