Friday, November 21, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Happy Birthday Uncle Gregg!!!!
Take Two:
Take Three: I've learned a couple things filming these videos...First, Ava & Sofia really like to sing in front of the camera & then see what they look like! Second, and perhaps most important, it's really important not to be a perfectionist when you've got two crazy & fun 5 year olds...
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Halloween, leaves & a snake...yes, a snake.
(Bella was a wizard. This is the costume I made back in 2000 when I had a lot of time on my hands . . . She only wore it for about 5 minutes - long enough for the picture. She's elderly & shouldn't have to put up with costumes anymore - even though she is really cute.)
So, as you can see, the puppy costume is a tiny bit small. I did all I could to try to convince both of them not to be the puppy. Ava finally agreed not to be a puppy dog, but Sofia would not budge!! She insisted the costume was fine & fit perfectly!!
So here's a picture of how they looked from behind.
Perfect fit? At least they were both happy!
P.S. Weird house we went to. The sign tells the trick or treaters to go to the house in the back after they get candy "her"
They got a lot of candy & wanted to eat it all that night, but we put aside a few pieces for them to eat over the next few days & Chef G took the rest to work (okay, okay, not all of the rest - we put aside some for us, too) & luckily the girls haven't asked for more!
We did some raking last weekend, too, but that was a fruitless endeavor. It was a lot of fun for the girls . . .
Oh - and of course we all went to vote on November 4th. Sofia & Ava are celebrating our right to vote with white chocolate dinosaur pops.
I did my best to restrain myself when they said they wanted to touch it. Then when they said they wanted to hold it I almost lost it. I did hold it together long enough to take this picture. They loved the picture & brought it to school to show their teacher & all their friends. I'm glad I have brave daughters!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Of pumpkins . . . and squirrels.
I grabbed the camera & got some pictures of them scooping. After they scooped they drew pictures of how they wanted their pumpkin faces carved.
Then it was my turn & I carved out the faces they had drawn...Well, in a perfect world I carved out the faces they had drawn. In our world I tried really hard to follow their lines & the pumpkins came out looking like jack o'lanterns so the girls were happy.
By then it was snack time so we brought the pumpkins inside so Daddy could see them that night when he got home. I totally forgot to take pictures. I lived to regret that memory lapse because a few days later I had to put them outside on the deck.
I had no idea what bold & pesky *#%! squirrels we have. He knocked Ava's right off the railing & went to town. He wouldn't even leave it when I was less than 3 feet away from him!! I had to make that ridiculous "scat" noise to get him to run away! And then he went into his tree & stared me down as I cleaned it up.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Hair today . . . gone tomorrow!
Gone tomorrow!!
I didn't think they could get cuter, but they did! And, the bonus is that there was not one scream this morning when I brushed their hair!! We love the new haircuts!! (Ava in yellow, Sofia in blue)
P.S. They still love their Lenny & Joe's shirts but since it's cold they have to wear long sleeve shirts under them. Ava wanted to take it a step further, though. She still wants to wear shorts & thinks it will be okay b/c she can put pants under her shorts just like long sleeves under a short sleeve shirt. I really am quite lenient when it comes to choosing clothes - BUT - there are lines even I cannot let them cross!!!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
September events
Xavier also loves to sail & had an awesome time.
Yesterday they had another day off so we headed up to a zoo where you can ride on their elephant, Dondi. Apparently, Dondi was adopted by the handler in 1975 when she was a baby & he and his wife have raised her since then. She does a bunch of tricks & is definitely well loved.
That goat actually ended up butting Garry out of the way - hard - and stuck his mouth up in the machine & stole all the food.
Sofia & Ava are pretty flexible so they were happy just petting the other goats.
Of course we also were able to go to City Park to ride bikes, we played outside a lot, they played friends A LOT and we had a really nice month.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Brief interlude
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Speedy update
Ava & Sofia started Kindergarten....Big step for all of us!
We didn't think they'd need their backpacks the first day so I didn't send them in. Of course they came home with plastic bags full of papers I had to fill out. They also came home with a sad story about having to watch all their new friends eat snacks because their mommies sent in a snack & I didn't...I put myself on the bad mommy list for that day. At least we didn't miss the bus...
Luckily they had each other or I don't think they would have gotten on the bus!!
Doesn't the bus look too big for them?!
The next day they wore their "Handy Manny" backpacks & went equipped with snacks & bottles of water.
I helped them clean that up & asked them very kindly to remember the rules about putting away one game before they take out another game! And anyway, how can I be too angry when they are so darned cute!
One day after school we went to a nearby park that they love so much because they can climb big rocks & I caught Ava telling Sofia a secret. I'm so grateful that I got it on camera.
Labor Day weekend we got to go to Nonni's & Aunt Sandy & Uncle Andy's beach & they absolutely loved playing in the water.
And poor Ava...This picture just makes us laugh so much that I had to include it in my speedy update. This was in August after a long day of swimming in Nonni's pool. You can see Sofia off to the left on her way to try to fix Ava's hair. There was no fixing Ava's hair...