This morning, Ava & Sofia looked out the window & were absolutely thrilled to see snow on the ground! They immediately wanted to run outside & play. They got their boots, hats, mittens & coats on & rushed outside. It was funny & cute & a little sad all at the same time. Ava was pretty funny saying that it wasn't a very big snowstorm and that they could only play in one corner of the yard.
They asked me to help them make snowballs . . . It didn't work out that well . . . But they had fun & that's what matters!
After playing in the "snow" we ate lunch & went to see Santa at the imPossible Dream playground. They had crafts set up & they had pony rides & "fishing for toys" where the girls put a fishing pole with a hook over a wall & then magically there was a toy attached to the end of their fishing pole. It was a pretty cool Christmas party & something different to do on a Saturday. Ava & Sofia had the most fun with the crafts, but they didn't smile much at Santa or when I went to take their pictures on the ponies...They did smile the whole time they were riding the ponies, though!