Today was the girls' first soccer game! Woo hoooo! They had a great time & scored many goals. U-6 soccer is pretty funny & there are no goalies. They pretty much just chase & kick the ball all over & in & out of the field. In the beginning of the "game" we dropped the ball & everyone just stared at it. But then they all got into it & had a great time. As you can see, I have no pictures b/c I volunteered to be assistant coach (!) and was pretty much running up & down the field with the ball & the kids the whole time. Chef Garry was there, but he was in a 4-hours-of-sleep-induced fog & so we were pretty fortunate that he was there & standing!! He is absolutely an awesome, dedicated & supportive dad.
Soooo...since I don't have pictures of that, I will bring you back to last weekend when we went to an Easter Egg Hunt & brought Flat Stanley to the beach.
Have you heard of Flat Stanley? He was in the news in 2008 b/c a child sent him to President (well, then presidential candidate) Obama & Obama took some time to have fun with Flat Stanley! Anyway, if someone sends you one, you have to dress him up, take him places & write about where he went. Cousin Jack sent us a Flat Stanley & it was quite a homework project! Of course, the first thing we had to do was photocopy Flat Stanley & make him a twin! Then the girls drew clothes on him (including underwear...) & we brought him to the beach (where else would we bring him?!).
We took him (well, them) to one of the beach areas made entirely of shells & Ava & Sofia totally enjoyed that.
They didn't think they were very comfortable lying on they tried.
They found it uncomfortable, too.
This beach also has huge rocks you can climb on & someone left a very cool rock sculpture on one big rock. (At this point mommy was in charge of holding Flat Stanley & his twin b/c Sofia & Ava wanted to take their favorites up on the high rock).

That weekend we also participated in an Easter Egg Hunt...I let the girls find as many chocolate eggs as they could...BUT...I traded out the chocolate eggs for mnm's...I think it's gross to eat chocolate eggs that people stepped on & dogs might have peed on! But then, sometimes I do lean towards the germaphobe end of the spectrum...
So that was last weekend's adventure...Let's see what this one has in store for us!