Well, my girls have taken their first step towards fame & fortune & supporting the 'rents...
It could happen...Some talent scout could see the cute little girls in the second row who look just like each other & think they're perfect for a new tv show...Or they could see that beautiful lady in the chairs wearing the blue shirt & jeans with her legs crossed & think, "She's a star! Look at the way she's holding those coats on her lap. We must get her for our blockbuster movie!"
I was already a star in the newspaper 10 years ago...
Well, more precisely, my gorgeous but very hot dog, Bella & my hideous sneakers were.

Those beauties might have deterred the talent scouts. I never got a call from a modeling agency, either.
And 12 years ago Garry was in the paper -- not for his chefly duties but for shooting pool...

We didnt get any calls for that either. But no worries - our time will come...
Is it lame that we've saved these hometown newspaper pictures of ourselves and still think it's super cool?
That picture of Bella in the newspaper made me think of how different she is now 10 years later... Her favorite thing to do is sleep in the sun...
The girls put some stuffed animals with her to keep her company.