Okay, here's my speedy update...
Ava & Sofia started Kindergarten....Big step for all of us!

We didn't think they'd need their backpacks the first day so I didn't send them in. Of course they came home with plastic bags full of papers I had to fill out. They also came home with a sad story about having to watch all their new friends eat snacks because their mommies sent in a snack & I didn't...I put myself on the bad mommy list for that day. At least we didn't miss the bus...

Luckily they had each other or I don't think they would have gotten on the bus!!

Doesn't the bus look too big for them?!

The next day they wore their "Handy Manny" backpacks & went equipped with snacks & bottles of water.

One morning before school while I was working on the budget & thought they were playing nicely they created this beautiful masterpiece in the living room...

I helped them clean that up & asked them very kindly to remember the rules about putting away one game before they take out another game! And anyway, how can I be too angry when they are so darned cute!
One day after school we went to a nearby park that they love so much because they can climb big rocks & I caught Ava telling Sofia a secret. I'm so grateful that I got it on camera.

Labor Day weekend we got to go to Nonni's & Aunt Sandy & Uncle Andy's beach & they absolutely loved playing in the water.

And poor Ava...This picture just makes us laugh so much that I had to include it in my speedy update. This was in August after a long day of swimming in Nonni's pool. You can see Sofia off to the left on her way to try to fix Ava's hair. There was no fixing Ava's hair...