I swear all I did was blink! I remember when Xavier was 5 (no digital camera back then...how did we ever survive?). Now he's 15 & going to get his learner's permit in February. What the heck happened? You can't slow time down.

Anyway, we had a really great birthday for the girls and Chef G switched his day off so that he could celebrate with us.
First, they sat together & opened a few presents . . . and let me just mention that those are their favorite pjs and they just happen to be size 2T. They are skinny minis...
Here are Sofia & Ava wearing those same pjs when they really were 2 years old:
Next, we had a delicious Portuguese Sweet Bread French Toast with Strawberries & Whipped Cream breakfast
Then we went to a County Fair which was a lot of fun for the girls. They went all by themselves up a huge slide with their own burlap sacks
They played a lot of fun games and won some really cheap...err, I mean really cool stuff.
Then we got stuck in a ridiculous downpour! It was hot & humid and all of a sudden the skies just opened up! The girls jumped up on my lap & we waited it out for a little while on a little covered porch. We then realized it wasn't moving as quickly as we were hoping so Chivalrous Chef Garry ran to the car so he could come back & pick us up.
And finally, we went out for a fun dinner at a family friendly chain restaurant. Sofia enjoyed feeding Ava a worm from her dirt dessert!