Life is made up of moments...Be present in as many as you can... :o)
Thursday, November 30, 2006
It's official. Greg Page (the Wiggle in yellow shirt) has retired. Here are some non-digital photos of our November 2005 trip to see them. How young the girls were!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Happy girls in their Wiggles pj's! We just heard that Greg Wiggle might be retiring...We'll miss you Greg!
We went apple picking in September & Ava felt that the bag was REALLY heavy!
Okay, so this blogging & uploading thing takes FOREVER! As much as I didn't want to do it I figured you might want to see pictures of the rest of us too & how well we're aging ;o) So here you go. I'll try to post more pictures as they're taken, but it sure does take a while to do...
Bella being "hugged" by Ava & Sofia
The girls were Uniqua and Pablo from the Backyardigans for Halloween
And they're tree huggers almost everyday!
This is our first blog. We really just wanted a spot where we can post pictures for friends & family to see. I don't write much so this will probably be about as much as I write for a long time!
Ava, Sofia & I went to the beach in Madison this weekend. They had a lot of fun playing in the sand, with the water & running on the jetty/pier.
I'm going to try to add more pictures without a lot of comments! Enjoy :0)